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Vinicola Sannazaro

Services & Quality / Quality Management

Vinicola San Nazaro gives greatest importance to quality. To this purpose, it has invested in its testing laboratory, modern and reliable equipment and quality plans that foresee regular training for its laboratory staff as well as the correct maintenance of laboratory instruments.

The laboratory takes also part into several Ring Tests to check the reliability of results and to ensure continuous monitoring of the wholesomeness of raw materials and finished products.

We have started research activities in collaboration with prestigious universities over the years, for the analysis and in-depth examination of new production and business aspects. In particular, we are actively co-operating with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Chemical Sciences, on lines of research related to the "chemical characterization" of commercialised products and their geographical and varietal "traceability".

Vinicola San Nazaro and its staff also offer a long-lasting, high quality collaboration with their customers as an active, valuable partner in their R&D programs.

All organization processes are controlled by an integrated computer system that helps to constantly coordinate and monitor the company’s activities in order to meet the market demands with flexibility and punctuality.